Agents: Obtain Commissions and Leads Without Lifting a Finger



Always Be Closing. That phrase has been seared into an entire generation of sales professionals, insurance agents included, thanks to the 1992 film Glengarry Glen Ross. You’re either winning or losing, closing deals or wasting time, moving ahead or getting left in the dust. That’s the premise of the “ABC” strategy, which has conditioned many salespersons to feel as if they’re failing if every interaction they have with a customer doesn’t generate revenue.

As you’re certainly aware, adopting a pure ABC strategy is untenable in the world of insurance. Agents aren’t just sellers of goods and services but trusted advisors that are expected to continually assist their customers with obtaining and maintaining coverage. While other sales professionals may be able to gear every interaction they have with consumers toward closing a sale and spend the rest of their time prospecting, it simply doesn’t work that way with insurance…Or does it?

We are excited to announce the launch of BondExchange’s upgraded BookBuilder tool, which automatically generates your agency business and ensures that when it comes to surety, your agency will always be closing.

Free Leads and Commissions

BondExchange’s BookBuilder tool was launched in December 2021 and allows insureds to search for agents in their area and automatically quote bonds directly from an agent’s BondExchange profile. The insured gets their bond, and the agent gets a commission check and new lead without doing a lick of work. At BondExchange, we invest a significant amount of resources in digital marketing, leading to tens of thousands of retail customers browsing our site each month. We’re wholesale only and won’t issue bonds directly for insureds without an agent on the transaction. BookBuilder allows us to use this retail traffic and generate business for our agents.

Bigger and Better

We’ve made obtaining a bond and pairing with a BondExchange agent even easier for insureds. Now, insureds can quote bonds directly from any one of our bond pages and are automatically assigned to a BondExchange agent after inputting their business address. Our bond pages consistently rank at the top of search engines and thus attract tens of thousands of retail customers to our site. BondExchange agents benefit directly from the quality of these pages, and this upgrade will increase the number of insureds we can pair with our dedicated agent base.

The Bottom Line

BondExchange not only makes obtaining surety bonds easy, we actively work to generate you more business and secure you more customers. We take pride in the success of our agents, and this upgrade allows us to put our money where our mouth is.  If you haven’t done so already, gain access to BondExchange today. It takes seconds, and let us make surety work for you.

We’ve issued a press release announcing our upgraded BookBuilder tool. The press release can be accessed here.